4 Bears Water Park opens for the summer
By: Hannah Davis
See story shared on MyNDNow.com here.
It may have been 100 degrees, but that didn't stop Isabel Flores and her family from lining up two hours early to be the first into the new 4 Bears Water Park for opening day.
"I want to go on the slides and probably go on the lazy river," says Flores, a New Town resident.
The new park is part of an initiative to get residents outside and moving.
"All the things that we're doing relate to trying to provide recreation for families and recreation for our children and make them active. Got problems with diabetes on this reservation, and so we want to continue to promote healthy lifestyles," says Mark Fox, MHA Nation Chairman.
It's been about a decade since the New Town area has last had a public pool to call their own, and although they are close to Lake Sakakawea, the chairman wanted to provide a safe alternative.
"This is a huge lake and it's not always safe, so if we build this, we have a safe place: lifeguards, kids can swim safely. We don't want them just venturing out swimming anywhere along the lake," says Fox.
12 lifeguards will rotate throughout the day to keep watch in the heat.
"Lots of sunscreen, stay hydrated. It's very easy to get dehydrated because you think you're in the water and you're hydrated up, but -no, dehydration happens quite often," says Dennis Bunner, Lead Lifeguard.
"It could've been raining, it could've been 50 degrees: this is North Dakota, but here -it is hot- but this is what it's for," says Fox.
Staying cool at the pool.
The water park will be open every day from 11:00AM to 7:00PM from now until Labor Day Weekend, and it only costs $5 to get in.
Official Preliminary List of Candidates in the 2018 TAT Tribal Business Council Election
Three Affiliated Tribes of the Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara Nation Election Notice
White Shield Segment June 2018 Newsletter
Public Notice and Request for Comments on the Proposed Enactment of the MHA Nation Water Use and Administration Code of the Three Affiliated Tribes
Public Notice and Request for Comments on the Proposed Enactment of the MHA Nation Water Use and Administration Code of the Three Affiliated Tribes
Copies may also be obtained from the Three Affiliated Tribes Fort Berthold Rural Water Department,
at the 308 Four Bears Complex, New Town, ND 58763
Opportunity to Comment.
The purpose of this notice is to invite comments on the proposed Water Use and Administration Code. The Tribe will then consider all comments, and will determine the extent to which changes may be needed before making a final decision on the amendments. Any amendments to the law would then be submitted to the Secretary of the Interior for approval and publication in the Federal Register.
Anyone wishing to comment on the Tribe’s proposed Water Use and Administration Code may do so by submitting comments in writing to the following:
Fort Berthold Rural Water
308 Four Bears Complex
New Town, ND 58763
Email: fbrwreceptionist@mhanation.com
Comments must be received by 4:30 PM CST on July 13, 2018.
North Segment May 2018 Newsletter
Twin Buttes Times May 2018 Segment Newsletter
White Shield Segment May 2018 Newsletter
Four Bears Segment May 2018 Newsletter
New Town Elementary Students Plant Trees
Submitted Photo | Students from New Town Elementary School planted trees in the northern area of New Town on Wednesday during the first tree planting initiative. The tree planting is an initiative of Three Affiliated Tribes Councilwoman Dr. Monica Mayer.
NEW TOWN – New Town Elementary School students – 550 of them – in kindergarten through Grade 5 took part in the first tree planting initiative held on Wednesday.
The tree planting is an initiative of Three Affiliated Tribes Councilwoman Dr. Monica Mayer.
Purpose of the tree planting is to encourage environmental awareness with youth. Every student who planted a tree received a certificate to commemorate their efforts.
Seven tree types native to North Dakota, were planted by the elementary students in the northern area of New Town. The trees included ponderosa pine, Juneberry, hackberry, Ohio buckeye, Black Hills spruce, Meyer spruce and burr oak. Tree types were carefully selected according to their survival rate in western North Dakota weather.
“Today is a very important day for you, and you are doing your part to help make oxygen for our environment by planting trees today,” Mayer told the students.
The tree planting initiative was made possible through teamwork efforts from the North Segment Office of Councilwoman Mayer, the Three Affiliated Tribes (TAT) Environmental Division, TAT Solid Waste Program, Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College Science Department, New Town City Council, TAT Game & Fish Program, TAT Roads Department, Natural Resources Conservation Services and the Edwin Loe Elementary students, staff, and teachers.
MHA Champions for Change
The Tribal Education Department is partnering with the Casey Family Programs and the Center for Native American Youth to offer the MHA Champions for Change youth leadership program. We are have extended our deadline and will be accepting applications and nominations until Friday, May 18th. If you know an outstanding MHA youth (ages 14-23) in one of the segments or Bismarck/Mandan, please encourage them to apply or nominate them! Please contact Ruth Swaney with any questions at 701-627-4113 or rswaney@mhanation.com.
The MHA Champions for Change program is a Native youth leadership initiative designed to highlight positive stories of impact from the MHA Nation. The program is modeled after the Center for Native American Youth’s Champions for Change program that was inspired by a 2011 White House initiative, which develops young Native leaders through experience-based learning and tailored advocacy training.
The MHA will select seven inspirational Native youth (one from each segment and one from Bismarck/Mandan, ages 14-23) to join the CFC leadership network. All applicants, regardless of acceptance, are named Youth Ambassadors. Champions are Native youth who initiate programs, events, or other efforts that are improving the lives of fellow youth in Indian Country. Champions enter a close working relationship with the MHA Education Department and the Center for Native American Youth benefit from a variety of resources that enhance their advocacy skills. (EXTENDED DEADLINE: May 18, 2018. All application materials must be submitted to MHA Education Department, 404 Frontage Rd, New Town, ND 58763)
A complete application will include the following:
- Youth Leader Application (with essay attached)
- Two Recommendation forms from Adults familiar with your work
- One Peer Recommendation form completed by someone around your age who can speak to your leadership.
MHA Champions for Change Youth Leader Application
MHA Champions for Change Peer Nomination Form
MHA Champions for Change Adult Recommendation/Nomination Form
General Disbursement – May 2018 – Resolution No. 18-104-FWF
The MHA Nation Tribal Business Council has approved Resolution No. 18-104-FWF which authorizes a one-time $1,000.00 disbursement for all enrolled members regardless of age. This disbursement, per the Resolution, will be mailed out no later than May 10, 2018, to all members 14 years old and above.
Any delinquent monies owed to Tribal Finance, to Tribal Loan Departments, and/or to the Three Affiliated Tribes Division of Child Support Enforcement, shall be deducted from this distribution at the rate of $250.00 for Finance, $250.00 for loans and $500.00 for TATDCSE.
Enrolled members under the age of 14 as of August 1, 2018, will be required to have their legal guardian fill out the May 2018 - Resolution No. 18-104-FWF Minor Disbursement Form and return to Finance. Forms will be available at Tribal Finance, segment offices, and the MHA Nation website.
Enrolled members under the age of 14 as of August 1, 2018, that DO NOT have a completed May 2018 - Resolution No. 18-104-FWF Minor Disbursement Form returned to Tribal Finance by August 1, 2018, will have the disbursement held in the pooled trust account until the age of 18.
Enrolled members under the age of 14 as of August 1, 2018, in the custody of the Three Affiliated Tribes and under the Indian Child Welfare Act shall have their disbursement held in Trust until the age of 18.
GENERAL DISBURSEMENT MAY 2018 Deduction Information
The Tribal Business Council of the Three Affiliated Tribes has the authority per Resolution No. 18-104-FWF – April 30, 2018,
“Be It Further Resolved, Any delinquent monies owed to Tribal Finance, to Tribal Loan Departments, and/or to
Three Affiliated Tribes Division of Child Support Enforcement, shall be deducted from this distribution at the rate of $250.00 for Finance, $250.00 for loans and $500.00 for TATDCSE.”
Three Affiliated Tribes Department of Child Support Enforcement
Contact: Michelle Wauneka (701) 627-2860
Three Affiliated Tribes Finance Department
Enrolled members currently and/or previously employed with TAT with outstanding travel over a year
Contact (701) 627-4781 Lucy Fox or Gerilyn Yellow Bird
Three Affiliated Tribes Small Loans Department
Contact: Mary Ellen Sun (701) 627-8244
Home Loan Mortgage Program
Contact: Mariam Fixico (701) 627-2560
Business Development/Independence Loans
Contact: Toni Starr (701) 627-2541
MHA Nation DOT License Administration License Plates Public Announcement
Mandan, Hidatsa, & Arikara Nation
Department of Transportation
Licensing Administration
9710 Hwy 23
New Town, ND 58763
On September 02, 2015, The Mandan Hidatsa Arikara (MHA), Tribal Business Council (TBC), approved and voted in favor of tribal plates, resolution #15-147-LKH. The Mandan Hidatsa Arikara Nation Department of Transportation (MHADOT) Licensing Administration will on October 01, 2018 begin licensing vehicles with Mandan Hidatsa and Arikara (MHA) license plates. At this time the license plates will be available only to members residing on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation (FBIR). License plates will be available for; motor vehicles, campers, motorcycles, and boat trailers.
In order to comply with Motor Vehicle rules and regulations; all vehicles must be physically inspected (VIN inspection) before plates can be issued. Vehicle Inspection can be done by; (1) vehicle owner, or a (2) MHADOT licensing agent. Inspection forms will be available at www.mhadot.com/forms, inspection form must be; completed, signed, notarized and accompanied by a $3.00 processing fee.
Questions the Public Asked Concerning MHA license plates
Is there a financial investment for the tribe to license vehicles if so where will the money go?
This program will be very lucrative for the MHA Nation at the discretion of the MHA Tribal Business Council, any money that flows into MHADOT licensing program can; create jobs or a percentage of any money can help fund other tribal programs.
Will fees be paid with the tribe or the state?
Enrolled members would only pay the MHADOT Licensing Administration, the fees would be for tags, license plates, renewals, plate fees or for other vehicles on the roadway.
Are my plates recognized by the state?
Yes, The MHADOT Licensing Administration will have a Compact agreement with the state of North Dakota for the MHA Licensing plates. The plates and tags would be recognized by the state
Do we have to buy the MHA plates?
NO, this is optional an enrolled member can still have the North Dakota State Plates if they choose, the decision is totally up to enrolled members. MHA members now have a choice!
Is this only available to enrolled members?
Yes, it is only for the enrolled members.
What types of vehicle plates are available?
Cars, trucks, semi-truck, ATV’s, pull trailers
What license plate design would represent MHA Nation?
The program has a few samples but nothing is set.
Can enrolled members buy plates for non-enrolled member?
Exception if a couple is married and one is not enrolled the enrolled can have a vehicle with MHA plates because the enrolled members are on the title.
Where is the MHA Nation licensing administration office located?
4 Miles east of 4 Bears Casino 9710 Hwy 23 New Town, ND 58763
Will I be profiled when I drive off the reservation?
Highway officers need to have probable cause when stopping drivers. We at MHA always practice good driving.
Benefits of Administrating MHA Plates
Tribal plates this will bring money back to the MHA Tribe and increase additional financial revenue for MHA programs that can help enrolled members. This money won’t go to the state of North Dakota this money stays with the MHA Nation.
Vehicle Documents Needed to Register for MHA Plates
- properly assigned titles or manufactured certificate origin, bill of sale, lien release.
- tribal enrollment card and a valid North Dakota Driver’s license,
- current insurance verification for each vehicle, and
- current physical address for proof of physical address
- accepted as alternate proof of current physical address,
- utility bill showing enrolled members physical address within FBIR
- three pieces of current mail with physical address within FBIR
Vehicle Documents Needed if Transferring from North Dakota to MHA
- properly assigned titles or manufactured certificate origin, bill of sale, lien release.
- tribal enrollment card and a valid North Dakota Driver’s license,
- current insurance verification for each vehicle, and
- current physical address for proof of physical address
- accepted as alternate proof of current physical address,
- utility bill showing enrolled members physical address within FBIR
- three pieces of current mail with physical address within FBIR